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Most WordPress themes have a built in search feature, making it easy for visitors to find posts on the topics they are interested in. This is especially handy, because posts are shown in chronological order. Instead of making visitors sift through paginated archive after archive, they can type in a keyword or category and jump straight to every related post on that topic. What happens when you want a customized search feature on your WordPress site? What options are available, and what do they do? We’ll take a look at different search replacements for WordPress.

大多数WordPress主题都具有内置的搜索功能,使访问者可以轻松找到他们感兴趣的主题的帖子。这特别方便,因为帖子按时间顺序显示。 他们可以键入一个关键字或类别,然后直接跳到该主题的每个相关文章,而不用让访问者在存档后逐页浏览存档。 当您想在WordPress网站上使用自定义搜索功能时会发生什么? 有哪些可用选项,它们有什么作用? 我们将介绍WordPress的不同搜索替代品。

WordPress默认搜索功能的主要问题 (The Main Problem With WordPress’s Default Search Feature)

WordPress, by default will look for the most recent entry that matches the search criteria, instead of what is the most relevant. This can be frustrating, especially when you write a blockbuster post on a particular topic, and it gets buried in your own search results. This causes major usability issues, and actually hurts your site in the long run. If visitors can’t find what they’re looking for, which may just be that blockbuster post you wrote, they may not come back to your site, thinking that it isn’t as relevant to the topic as it actually is. Basically, your default search feature may be shooting you in the foot.

WordPress默认情况下将查找与搜索条件匹配的最新条目,而不是最相关的条目。 这可能令人沮丧,尤其是当您针对某个特定主题撰写了精彩的文章,并且被您自己的搜索结果掩盖时。 这会导致严重的可用性问题,并且从长远来看实际上会损害您的网站。 如果访问者找不到您想要的内容(可能只是您写的那篇轰动一时的帖子),他们可能不会回到您的网站,以为它与主题无关紧要。 基本上,您的默认搜索功能可能会射击您。


Enhanced Search Form

When conducting a search on any website, especially a large one with many posts, there may be hundreds of results, spread across different categories and subtopics. Doing a general search isn’t enough, simply because you have to sift through a ton of results, whether they are relevant or not.

在任何网站上进行搜索时,尤其是在大型的网站上进行搜索时,可能会有数百个结果分散在不同的类别和子主题中。 仅仅进行常规搜索是不够的,仅因为您必须筛选大量结果,而无论它们是否相关。

Enhanced Search Form expands the normal WordPress search form and adds the ability to filter the search by categories, date, and even tags. This helps website visitors to refine their search, so they’re not looking through 5 year old posts that may be out of date.

增强型搜索表单扩展了常规的WordPress搜索表单,并增加了按类别,日期甚至标签过滤搜索的功能。 这有助于网站访问者优化搜索范围,因此他们不会浏览可能已经过时的5年历史帖子。


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Remember when we discussed the fact that WordPress search sorts its results by date instead of relevance? Relevanssi replaces your default search, sorting results by relevance. Also, your search results tend to look better.

还记得我们讨论WordPress搜索按日期而不是相关性对结果进行排序的事实吗? Relevanssi会取代您的默认搜索,并按相关性对结果进行排序。 另外,您的搜索结果看起来会更好。

There are a lot of options to choose from with Relevanssi. You can set up fuzzy matching, which matches results with partial words,. You can also highlight search terms in the results, helping visitors to make up their minds as to the relevance of the results much easier. It gives each search result context, keeping readers from having to skim over every single result from start to finish. Another bonus is that you can set it so that search results include comments, categories, tags, and custom fields. This is really handy, especially if your readers are very active, and a returning visitor wants to jump back to a specific comment that may have had helpful information they were looking for. Also, if someone misspells their search, Relevanssi uses a Google-style suggestion “Did you mean….” Which keeps users from having to start all over again. If you need to dig even deeper, there are advanced customization features available as well. Relevanssi isn’t compatible with WPML or BuddyPress.

Relevanssi有很多选项可供选择。 您可以设置模糊匹配,以匹配部分单词的结果。 您还可以在结果中突出显示搜索词,以帮助访问者更加轻松地确定结果的相关性。 它提供了每个搜索结果的上下文,使读者不必从头到尾浏览每个结果。 另一个好处是您可以对其进行设置,以便搜索结果包括注释,类别,标签和自定义字段。 这确实很方便,尤其是如果您的读者非常活跃,并且回访者想跳回一条特定的评论时,该评论可能已经提供了他们所寻找的有用信息。 另外,如果有人拼错了搜索内容,Relevanssi会使用Google风格的建议“您是不是……”。 这使用户不必从头开始。 如果您需要更深入地研究,还可以使用高级自定义功能。 Relevanssi与WPML或BuddyPress不兼容。


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WooCommerce Predictive Search

WooCommerce is the go-to plugin for creating your own online store. You can keep track of inventory, bulk upload products via CSV files, and it has a lot of other great features. One of the most important aspects of any online store is that your customer should be able to find the products they are looking for quickly and easily.

WooCommerce是创建您自己的在线商店的必备插件。 您可以跟踪库存,通过CSV文件批量上传产品,并且还具有许多其他强大功能。 任何在线商店最重要的方面之一就是您的客户应该能够快速,轻松地找到他们想要的产品。

WooCommerce Predictive Search gives your visitors fast search results, based on what they are typing into the search field. Not only is it instantaneous, it’s beautiful, with a mini preview of the product, a title and a brief description. From the admin area, you have total control over how many products it shows at a time, as well as where it’s displayed. It fits anywhere where there’s a widgetized area on your site. You can place it in the header, the footer, and the sidebar of your site.

WooCommerce预测搜索可根据访问者在搜索字段中输入的内容为访问者提供快速的搜索结果。 它不仅具有瞬间效果,而且还具有精美的外观,并带有产品的迷你预览,标题和简短说明。 在管理区域中,您可以完全控制一次显示多少个产品以及显示在哪里。 它适合您网站上有窗口小部件区域的任何地方。 您可以将其放在网站的页眉,页脚和侧边栏中。

Another great feature is the ability to have a page that displays all search results. Each result will still have the preview image, and the title. The page even includes infinite scroll, so more results load as you scroll down.

另一个重要功能是能够显示所有搜索结果的页面。 每个结果仍将具有预览图像和标题。 该页面甚至包括无限滚动,因此在向下滚动时会加载更多结果。


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Search in Place

More of an add-on than a replacement, Search in Place displays results in real-time as the user types in their search terms. Where Search in Place stands out is its abundance of customization features. You can integrate Search in Place with ecommerce solutions, such as WooCommerce, WP e-Commerce, Jigoshop, and the Ready! Ecommerce Shopping Cart. This is great if you want an all-in-one plugin for products, posts, and pages.

当用户在其搜索词中键入内容时,“就地搜索”更多地是一个附加组件,而不是一个替代品。 就地搜索突出的地方在于其丰富的自定义功能。 您可以将“就地搜索”与电子商务解决方案集成,例如WooCommerce,WP电子商务,Jigogo和Ready !! 电子商务购物车。 如果您想要产品,帖子和页面的多合一插件,那就太好了。

You can even customize the look of search results, as well as what shows up, such as post titles, thumbnails, dates, and summaries. You can customize the look of your search box to match the look of your website, so it won’t look out of place just for the sake of functionality.

您甚至可以自定义搜索结果的外观以及显示的内容,例如帖子标题,缩略图,日期和摘要。 您可以自定义搜索框的外观以使其与网站外观相匹配,因此它不会仅仅出于功能目的而显得格格不入。

Search in Place will highlight the search term within the results it displays, and it will also tell you the post type. With all of its built in integration, features, and customization, this is likely the one I would recommend.

就地搜索将在显示的结果中突出显示搜索词,并且还会告诉您帖子的类型。 凭借其所有内置的集成,功能和自定义功能,这可能是我推荐的。


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Search Everything

Search Everything is a simple plugin to set up and augment your search functionality in your WordPress website. You have a lot of control over how this search plugin produces search results. You can customize everything that’s included in your search feature. One of the standout features of this plugin, is the fact that you can keep it from searching password-protected pages. This keeps password-protected membership pages out of search results. If you’re running a membership site this is essential, because nothing is more disappointing than clicking on the link and being re-directed somewhere else.

Search Everything是一个简单的插件,用于在WordPress网站中设置和增强搜索功能。 您可以控制此搜索插件如何生成搜索结果。 您可以自定义搜索功能中包含的所有内容。 该插件的突出功能之一就是您可以阻止其搜索受密码保护的页面。 这样可以将受密码保护的会员页面保持在搜索结果之外。 如果您正在运行一个会员网站,这是必不可少的,因为没有什么比单击链接并在其他地方重新定向更令人失望的了。

This plugin, like a few of the others we mentioned, highlights search terms in the results. You can also customize whether or not this plugin searches every page, every tag, every category, comments and excerpts. You can even include custom fields and metadata in your search results. Just as you can include all of these elements in your search results, you can also exclude them as well.

与我们提到的其他一些插件一样,此插件在结果中突出显示搜索词。 您还可以自定义此插件是否搜索每个页面,每个标签,每个类别,评论和摘录。 您甚至可以在搜索结果中包含自定义字段和元数据。 正如您可以在搜索结果中包括所有这些元素一样,您也可以排除它们。

And major standout feature of this plugin is a writing helper that allows you to search your posts and link to them while writing. This is a great feature, because interlinking previous articles that are related to this topic within your own site is good for SEO. Being able to do that, while you’re in the middle of writing a post, is an excellent feature for any article writer or blogger.

该插件的主要突出功能是写作帮助器,可让您在写作时搜索您的帖子并链接到它们。 这是一个很棒的功能,因为在您自己的站点中将与该主题相关的先前文章链接起来对于SEO很有用。 在撰写文章的过程中,做到这一点对于任何文章撰写者或博客作者都是一项出色的功能。


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结论 (Conclusion)

One of the biggest reasons why WordPress is so popular, is because you have the ability to customize your site and add incredible functionality to it with a click of a button. With the right search replacement plugin, you can add powerful search features to your WordPress site, making it easier for visitors to find exactly what they’re looking for as quickly as possible.

WordPress之所以如此受欢迎的最大原因之一是,您可以通过单击按钮自定义站点并为其添加令人难以置信的功能。 使用正确的搜索替换插件,您可以在WordPress网站中添加强大的搜索功能,从而使访问者可以更轻松地尽快准确地找到所需的内容。




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